Silver Diamine Fluoride in Modesto

What is Silver Diamine Fluoride?

Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is an FDA-approved treatment for dental caries, commonly known as cavities. It's a colorless liquid composed of silver, water, fluoride, and ammonia. The silver acts as an antimicrobial agent, the fluoride aids in remineralizing the tooth, and the ammonia stabilizes the solution. This potent mixture is applied directly to the tooth decay, arresting its progress and preventing further damage. It's a non-invasive, painless, and cost-effective treatment that has been widely used in countries like Japan for decades, and is now gaining popularity in the United States, including right here in Modesto.

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Did you know…

Silver Diamine Fluoride was first used in dentistry in Japan over 80 years ago!

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The Silver Diamine Fluoride Treatment Process

Initial Consultation

The first step in the Silver Diamine Fluoride treatment process involves a comprehensive dental examination by Dr. Chris Ha at First Smiles Children's Dentistry. During this consultation, he will assess your child's oral health and determine if SDF is the most suitable treatment option. This involves examining the extent of tooth decay, the number of cavities, and the child’s ability to cooperate during treatment. The consultation also provides an opportunity for parents to ask questions and understand the process better.

Application of SDF

Once it's determined that SDF is the right treatment, the next step is the application. The affected tooth is first dried, then the SDF solution is applied directly to the cavity using a microbrush. The solution is left to dry for about one to two minutes. The process is completely painless, making it a great option for children who are anxious about dental procedures.


The final step of the process is the follow-up appointment. This is scheduled a few weeks after the initial application to assess the effectiveness of the treatment. In some cases, a second or third application of SDF may be necessary. Regular dental check-ups following the treatment are also essential to ensure the continued health of your child’s teeth.

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Did you know…

Silver Diamine Fluoride is painless and can stop tooth decay from progressing. Do you have more questions or are you ready to schedule? Please contact First Smiles Children’s Dentistry and Dr. Chris Ha for more information.

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The Benefits Of Silver Diamine Fluoride

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Silver Diamine Fluoride is a non-invasive treatment option. It requires no drilling or injections, which makes it an excellent choice for children, especially those who may be anxious about dental procedures. The treatment simply involves painting the SDF solution onto the affected tooth.

Effective Decay Prevention

SDF doesn’t just stop existing tooth decay from progressing; it also helps prevent new cavities from forming. The fluoride in the solution works to strengthen the tooth enamel, making it more resistant to decay. This can be particularly beneficial for children who are at a high risk of developing cavities.

Quick and Painless

The application of SDF is a quick and painless process, typically taking just a few minutes per tooth. This makes it a convenient option for busy families. Plus, because it's painless, it can help reduce dental anxiety in children, making future dental visits a less stressful experience.

Did you know…

All the 20 baby teeth will fall out before your child becomes an adult.

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